Employee Recognition Wall

The names of all of these men and women have been placed in our Alumni Heritage Room at the request of our Alumni Heritage Room Committee. They are in recognition of all of the great people who have poured their heart, time, talent and treasure into this place at 3091 North Bend Road. Thanks to these people (and many others), we are able to have the strong alumni base that we have today.
Our Employee Recognition Wall was designed to be a constant work in progress.
Once again, our alumni are forever grateful for all of the employees that have taken the time and effort to make them a better Lasallian. What they do matters!
Also if you get a chance, we could use a little help. We shared with the design company what digital information we had available. So, there may be a few miscalculations, wrong dates, wrong locations and I am sure quite a few names missing that deserve to be up there. Stop on by and browse through the names. If you see a mistake or person missing that should be up there, please let us know. The qualification to make it to the board was you had to be an employee and obviously work here for at least 10 years. Just so you know, the plates are movable and interchangeable.