Mike Bell '86 - 25 years of CPD service

Congratulations to Mike Bell '86 for retiring from the Cincinnati Police Department after over 25 years of service! Yet another La Salle Lancer following the mantra of being "Called To Serve!"
Here are some great insights on "Taco's" career as a member of the CPD through his wife's (Ginger) FaceBook post:
I know I am biased, but Mike has always upheld his police position with honor and dignity and has loved being a cop. He has had one AMAZING career!! I’ve heard so many stories over the past twelve years or so that have been good, bad, highly entertaining, and/or heart wrenching.
Years ago, he was lead investigator on a huge drug sting that took down an entire community of drug dealers. He was in the drug unit VICE and on the bike squad. He went on approximately 1500 SWAT barricades and search warrants during his ten years on SWAT. (That’s how we met, and man were those times the best and most exciting!!) Being so active on the streets led him to seemingly live in court every morning, one year going to court 151 days with multiple cases per day. He has saved multiple lives and talked several people out of jumping off bridges and committing suicide. He had the pleasure of working tons of Bengals and REDS games over the years. He also LOVED being a street cop in districts 1 and 3 where he seemed to excel at finding trouble and recovering guns.
Teaching and providing active shooter training seemed to be his passion the last few years. Seeing how well the officers responded to the Fifth Third shooting and receiving many thank-you comments from cops who made it home because of their academy training always made him smile. He was a Field Training Officer to 16 recruits (13 CPD and 3 in Ft Thomas), and saw 6 classes graduate at the Academy. He felt teaching affected more lives in a positive manner.
I’m proud to say Mike is and always has been honest to the core, had an amazing amount of street credit, was respectful (even to those he arrested), and was an incredibly hard worker.
He has lived and breathed CPD for over 25 years and lived by the motto of “What can I do for the betterment of the department?” CPD has retired a true gem, but it is now his time to relax and enjoy the kids (and work on their zip line and tree house requests.)
As he has said many times recently, “I won the police race (31.5 years). I can’t win the retirement race if I never retire. “
Love ya Babe! Thanks for representing your department well, looking out for others, protecting the city, and being a model and well-respected police officer!
Signed: PROUDEST and HAPPIEST wife on the planet!
A sincere thank you goes out to Mike Bell and his family for all that they have done to keep Cincinnati safe!